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Know the enemy

2020-12-07 02:37:14


The Al madani: family descends from the Shikh Hasan Al Madani section of the Al Qureash, a highly respected and authoritative tribal federation that was the dominant power throughout most of what is now.

The Al Madani family's reign as rulers of Lavar Shikh began in 1087, when Sheikh Mohamad bin Sheikh Rashed bin Sheikh Mostafa Al Madani and around 1088 tribesmen moved from Medina.


Abu Said Ansari

What is clear to everyone is that the Holy Qur'an is the word of Allah.
The guarantor of its preservation and maintenance until the Day of Judgment, Allah Says
"We have sent down the Qur'an, and we are the guardians of it, and we will keep it until the Day of Resurrection."
"We are safe from the plunder of the enemies and from any change of time.
He also said about the Holy Quran:
That is, not a mistake, and "no falsehood, from any direction or theory, pays attention to the Qur'an."
It is a contradiction in its words and meanings, not the true sciences and the correct discoveries of the ancients and
The latter opposes it, and not the hand of distortion reaches its long lap


I convey this short message to all Muslims who are committed to their religion, belief and faith.
They are zealous for those who wish love, affection, unity and solidarity for the Islamic world.
In the hope that the drops of heart blood dripping from these sympathetic expressions will cause
Guide the astonished to the right path.
It is obligatory on every Muslim in order to improve the condition of his nation and return it to the evening
Take steps and strive for the unity and solidarity of the Islamic Ummah, as the Prophet Of allah Mohamamd PBUH commands.


  • Upload Date:2020-12-07 02:37:14
  • Year of Publish: 2018
  • Estimated pages: 15
  • Language: Dari
  • Format of Book: pdf
  • Readers: General
  • Category: Religion


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